"Haunting eyes sought comfort in the winding cobbled street, wet with rain. This was her home and she had travelled a long way to return to this wayward place. The stepping stones were still in place, hidden well. She would know her way, even in the dark. It was designed that way. Had been for centuries before and centuries before that. She wrapped the Grey Mask up well above her face. It would not do to be discovered on this cold day. Not here. It was far too dangerous. There was a power in this place which threatened so much more than raw magic and the thought of it sent shivers down her spine. Her fearful eyes were swaddled in grey lace. A lace so fine that it looked like spider's gossamer, spun by an ancient spindle. The Grey Mask was a beautiful shield and a protection like no other. At this moment it was all she had..."
This is the main artwork from the Masks Series. It represents the heart and soul of the series of artworks and is a haunting piece. Hard to let go...
Provenance of "THE GREY MASK"
Original Mint Details:
Transaction Hash: 0x55ac2f8234f3532dccbaa3b477a7545f4fde4a7b4fb8405015539d9b9debd331
Mint Date: 10th July 2019
Minted by: annalouisesimpson.eth (Miss AL Simpson)
Transaction Details: Etherscan Link
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